Monday, December 28, 2009

The Office

So I'm home all this week! Shawn and I have some big plans for the house this week. Today we painted the office and Shawn built himself a desk. The office was an awful light purple color that had to go. Here are some pictures Shawn took with his phone.
Painting the purple monster! by maximuszts.
This is in the first stages! Shows a bit of the purple.
My new desk in the office. by maximuszts.
Shawn's desk. Simple!
Mounted broadband items under the desk on the wall. by maximuszts.
Shawn mounted the router and the cable box under his desk.
The workstation is mostly setup. by maximuszts.
This is Shawn's little work station. It has the phone mounted to the wall and both his lap tops!

Shawn also put shelves in his bedroom closet. I have the walk in and he has the small one;)
My new shelfs in my closet are done. by maximuszts.

Shawn has also been working outside.
I cleared the gunk from the tiny river behind the house. by maximuszts.
The little stream in our back yard!

The rest of the week we are planning on painting the outside of the house and Shawn has a job interview on wed!!!!!!

Thats it for now. We are doing well and loving the new house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so awesome you guys have your own lil house! so happy for you both!