Sunday, July 6, 2008

Supprise # 4

So I have been surprising Shawn each week with something. This week I thought it would be cute to write him a letter through blog! kinda weird yes but it is something I would never do normally. I'm not very good at expressing my feelings in public. You know you see those couples that are all lovey dovie... not me! except for when We are alone or with family where I feel completely comfortable! so here it goes!

This weeks theme is trust and confidence. (and whatever else i come up with)! Tonight I learned how much I truly trust you and love you. I know that no matter how crabby I may be you are going to be there to lighten the mood and make my day that much better. You tonight have shown me that just because I think one thing I'm not always right! yeah that's right i said it... :P I have complete confidence in us and have always. You and me we are like mustard and katchup. We are a pair and will work well where ever we are. I'm going to add forgivness to the theme. I am so thankfull that you love me so much even though I am not perfect and that I am still working to be the best me. I am so thankful that even though your not perfect I can get past imperfections. Thank you for striving to be temple worthy and for guiding me down the same path. We are making the most important step at this point in life and I am so thankfull that with out a doubt I know its right!!!! I know I tell you I love you a lot but know that everytime I say I love you I mean it, and always will. Im so thankfull I know you feel the same. Im so greatful that you are furthering your education and trying to be even better than you already are, so thankful you are trying to make a great life for us! Shawn your an amayzing man and I'm truly blessed to have you in my life! Shawn I love you and cant wait to be your wife. 32 more days!!!
Shannon :)

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